Monday, October 29, 2012
'I am liberal' - Anonymous
'Liberal' means rejecting the norm in a non-confrontational way. 'A' liberal is a more gentle version of 'a' socialist, and should be enjoyed!
Monday, October 22, 2012
I am (and am not) liberal - Anonymous
I don't see that anyone with any intelligence and sense of reason would be able to honestly say that they are one or the other!
'I am liberal' - Elizabeth Banks (received in the post this morning!)
I think liberalism is a state of mind; openness, compassion, caring, respectfulness (a) - - - - harder to put into practice than rigid dogmatic attitudes (b).
a) is inclusive; b) is exclusive. This is true in Church, State and Private Lives.
a) is inclusive; b) is exclusive. This is true in Church, State and Private Lives.
Monday, October 15, 2012
'I am liberal' - Anthony Seldon
I’m Liberal because I believe in
the inherent goodness of human nature. We should maximise individual liberty
because that will allow the human spirit to optimally thrive, and for happiness
to be maximised. I am not a Liberal only towards those whose actions impoverish
and restrict the right and freedom of others. My aim for society is to have no
punishments because everyone understands that damaging others impoverishes
all. My aim as head of a school is to
get rid of all punishment. But, in the real world, I recognise that some
illiberality is necessary to enhance the liberty of all.
Anthony Seldon is a political commentator and Master of Wellington College.
'I am liberal' - Rebecca Doctor
I think that as a 17 year-old in the school system, I seek to push all boundaries and make my own decisions; meaning that I seek the freedom that liberalism provides.
Rebecca Doctor is a young filmmaker and photographer from Hereford. Rebecca's Twitter feed.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Am I a liberal? - Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor
I am suspicious of labels, whether political or
ideological: as Bishop Tom Wright has said of the practice of categorising
everyone politically as either “left” or “right”, labels foster “an
inappropriate ‘package deal’ mentality where it is assumed that once you decide
on one issue you are committed to a particular position on lots of others as
well”. Labels also lend themselves to being used pejoratively, as when someone
who believes in the importance to a healthy society of stable marriages and
families is described as “socially conservative” even if he or she may favour
higher taxes on the rich and re-nationalising the railways. Gladstone’s
liberalism was essentially an expression of his revulsion from tyranny and
oppression; but when he moved across the political spectrum from high Tory to
Liberal, he retained what would today be regarded as many strongly
“conservative” strands in his thinking, including a strong religious faith and
devotion to the Anglican Church.
If to be liberal means to be in favour of liberty,
equality and fraternity – of freedom, fairness and the brotherhood of mankind –
then surely all Christians are, or ought to be, liberal; and so, I hope, am I.
But what do the words really signify, and how far are the three aspirations
compatible with one another? As the leaders of the French Revolution quickly
discovered, the attainment of equality is impossible without coercion; and
freedom of thought and conscience is bound to lead to sharp disagreements over
what is or is not allowable behaviour, and thus - inexorably - to restrictions
on freedom in one direction or another.
Currently, the emphasis is once again on the paramount
importance of equality: racial or social discrimination of any kind is the
great sin. But if those who believe abortion to be wrong in principle may not
even refuse to assist at abortions because other people believe that abortion
is a right to which everyone should have equal access, where does that leave
freedom of conscience and belief? If fairness is crucial, why should some
people be disapproved of (if not yet actually outlawed) for spending their
money on giving their children a better than average education and yet almost
encouraged to spend their money on expensive holidays and a luxurious lifestyle
which others cannot afford? Of course it is unfair that some people should be
able to get a better education than others, but should non-discrimination
entail that, if some people can’t have it, no one should?
“In my experience”, says the philosopher Roger
Scruton, “the most intolerant people are liberals: people who can tolerate any
belief as long as it is not seriously held and who therefore demonise everyone
who disagrees with them”. Sadly, those with whom liberals disagree often seem to include those who have
a respect for the Natural Law or who have a religious perspective on the human
condition. Gladstone ,
I think, would be dismayed. Scruton may exaggerate; but there is enough truth
in his aphorism to make me cautious about claiming to be a liberal today.
Cardinal Cormac
Murphy-O’Connor is Archbishop Emeritus of Westminster
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