Monday, October 29, 2012
'I am liberal' - Anonymous
'Liberal' means rejecting the norm in a non-confrontational way. 'A' liberal is a more gentle version of 'a' socialist, and should be enjoyed!
Monday, October 22, 2012
I am (and am not) liberal - Anonymous
I don't see that anyone with any intelligence and sense of reason would be able to honestly say that they are one or the other!
'I am liberal' - Elizabeth Banks (received in the post this morning!)
I think liberalism is a state of mind; openness, compassion, caring, respectfulness (a) - - - - harder to put into practice than rigid dogmatic attitudes (b).
a) is inclusive; b) is exclusive. This is true in Church, State and Private Lives.
a) is inclusive; b) is exclusive. This is true in Church, State and Private Lives.
Monday, October 15, 2012
'I am liberal' - Anthony Seldon
I’m Liberal because I believe in
the inherent goodness of human nature. We should maximise individual liberty
because that will allow the human spirit to optimally thrive, and for happiness
to be maximised. I am not a Liberal only towards those whose actions impoverish
and restrict the right and freedom of others. My aim for society is to have no
punishments because everyone understands that damaging others impoverishes
all. My aim as head of a school is to
get rid of all punishment. But, in the real world, I recognise that some
illiberality is necessary to enhance the liberty of all.
Anthony Seldon is a political commentator and Master of Wellington College.
'I am liberal' - Rebecca Doctor
I think that as a 17 year-old in the school system, I seek to push all boundaries and make my own decisions; meaning that I seek the freedom that liberalism provides.
Rebecca Doctor is a young filmmaker and photographer from Hereford. Rebecca's Twitter feed.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Am I a liberal? - Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor
I am suspicious of labels, whether political or
ideological: as Bishop Tom Wright has said of the practice of categorising
everyone politically as either “left” or “right”, labels foster “an
inappropriate ‘package deal’ mentality where it is assumed that once you decide
on one issue you are committed to a particular position on lots of others as
well”. Labels also lend themselves to being used pejoratively, as when someone
who believes in the importance to a healthy society of stable marriages and
families is described as “socially conservative” even if he or she may favour
higher taxes on the rich and re-nationalising the railways. Gladstone’s
liberalism was essentially an expression of his revulsion from tyranny and
oppression; but when he moved across the political spectrum from high Tory to
Liberal, he retained what would today be regarded as many strongly
“conservative” strands in his thinking, including a strong religious faith and
devotion to the Anglican Church.
If to be liberal means to be in favour of liberty,
equality and fraternity – of freedom, fairness and the brotherhood of mankind –
then surely all Christians are, or ought to be, liberal; and so, I hope, am I.
But what do the words really signify, and how far are the three aspirations
compatible with one another? As the leaders of the French Revolution quickly
discovered, the attainment of equality is impossible without coercion; and
freedom of thought and conscience is bound to lead to sharp disagreements over
what is or is not allowable behaviour, and thus - inexorably - to restrictions
on freedom in one direction or another.
Currently, the emphasis is once again on the paramount
importance of equality: racial or social discrimination of any kind is the
great sin. But if those who believe abortion to be wrong in principle may not
even refuse to assist at abortions because other people believe that abortion
is a right to which everyone should have equal access, where does that leave
freedom of conscience and belief? If fairness is crucial, why should some
people be disapproved of (if not yet actually outlawed) for spending their
money on giving their children a better than average education and yet almost
encouraged to spend their money on expensive holidays and a luxurious lifestyle
which others cannot afford? Of course it is unfair that some people should be
able to get a better education than others, but should non-discrimination
entail that, if some people can’t have it, no one should?
“In my experience”, says the philosopher Roger
Scruton, “the most intolerant people are liberals: people who can tolerate any
belief as long as it is not seriously held and who therefore demonise everyone
who disagrees with them”. Sadly, those with whom liberals disagree often seem to include those who have
a respect for the Natural Law or who have a religious perspective on the human
condition. Gladstone ,
I think, would be dismayed. Scruton may exaggerate; but there is enough truth
in his aphorism to make me cautious about claiming to be a liberal today.
Cardinal Cormac
Murphy-O’Connor is Archbishop Emeritus of Westminster
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
'I am liberal' - Twill
I think that everyone should be treated as equals. no matter what ethnicity, religion, sexuality or race. People shouldn't think any less of you.
Twill's Twitter Feed
Monday, September 24, 2012
Igor Markaida - 'I am (a) liberal'
Any attempt at a meaningful explanation of the term 'liberal' requires a great deal of care. The main interpretation of liberalism as 'negative freedom' brought the concept closer to free market ideology, generally pairing it to the ideas of liberal democracy and capitalism. Antagonistic political formats of the twentieth century, like fascism and communism, mixed with anti-colonial (and anti-neocolonial) sentiment, accentuated this relationship further. The limits of the liberal ideals were put to the test. The rise of mass-media driven politics didn't help either, causing complex concepts to lose currency among the myriad messages that the average citizen was (and is) object to on a daily basis.
The fact is that liberals themselves have often shied away from responsibility, looked the other side or passed the reins on to non-liberals when things got tough and their principles did not seemed to provide any answers. On an even darker note, it would be disingenuous to ignore the way in which "freedom of expression" has trumped on someone's "freedom from hunger", the liberal ideal as moral cover to free market abuse. Living on less than a dollar a day makes it a little difficult for one's thoughts to be free from figuring out where the next dollar is going to come from.
But, although many liberals retreated quietly from using the term themselves, there is no denying that Western societies are built on the foundational liberal principles. Even self-proclaimed non-liberals voice their concerns under the protection of these principles. Their influence can be felt also in organized religion and the attitudes of people of faith that have shifted their beliefs to softer positions to the more conciliatory discourse of the ''spiritual'. Although far from resolved, issues that were of great concern to liberals only fifty years ago (such as the rights of women) have increasingly been addressed and interiorized by citizens in these societies. And although we cannot pretend that freedoms and rights are not being abused on a daily basis, it cannot be denied either that they play an important part in every individual's self-narrative.
The difficulty to assess the liberal values and its role in the organization of society only reflects the complexity of today's social and political scenario. Traditional concerns give way to new ones: environment, cultural and ethnic diversity, disability rights, sexual orientation, privacy and intellectual property in a hyper-connected world … the list of challenges grows faster than our ability to confront them. Perhaps the liberal toolset only works at a particular scale. From the ground up, at individual level, the foundational tenets of liberalism still help us position ourselves among those around us, in a harmonious way. But could it be that these tools do not work at a larger, global, political level and we ought to be looking for some sort of post-liberal mechanisms?
Discussion and compromise, a stubbornness in refusing to deal in absolutes and an underlying faith on the potential of human ingenuity are what sets the liberal ideal apart. Liberalism promotes individual contribution to the collective endeavour, as an in-built safeguard against too much state intervention on personal affairs. Legitimacy validated by representation also contributes to a sense of fair play, of equal of opportunities. Individual freedom comes with individual responsibility.
If it aspires to be other than just an illusion, liberalism needs to stop seeing itself as a destination point and rediscover the spirit of struggle, of work-in-progress, inherent to it. It has to recover a tradition of dissent, and appeal to freedom of thought and expression, not only from the state, but also from corporations that monopolize media and public opinion, education, culture … If its principles are to be in any way relevant in the twenty-first century, liberalism has to show that it has the capacity to work within ideological formats other capitalism (as capitalism without liberalism has done in China).
Warts and all, I think I will remain a staunch liberal for a longer while.
The fact is that liberals themselves have often shied away from responsibility, looked the other side or passed the reins on to non-liberals when things got tough and their principles did not seemed to provide any answers. On an even darker note, it would be disingenuous to ignore the way in which "freedom of expression" has trumped on someone's "freedom from hunger", the liberal ideal as moral cover to free market abuse. Living on less than a dollar a day makes it a little difficult for one's thoughts to be free from figuring out where the next dollar is going to come from.
But, although many liberals retreated quietly from using the term themselves, there is no denying that Western societies are built on the foundational liberal principles. Even self-proclaimed non-liberals voice their concerns under the protection of these principles. Their influence can be felt also in organized religion and the attitudes of people of faith that have shifted their beliefs to softer positions to the more conciliatory discourse of the ''spiritual'. Although far from resolved, issues that were of great concern to liberals only fifty years ago (such as the rights of women) have increasingly been addressed and interiorized by citizens in these societies. And although we cannot pretend that freedoms and rights are not being abused on a daily basis, it cannot be denied either that they play an important part in every individual's self-narrative.
The difficulty to assess the liberal values and its role in the organization of society only reflects the complexity of today's social and political scenario. Traditional concerns give way to new ones: environment, cultural and ethnic diversity, disability rights, sexual orientation, privacy and intellectual property in a hyper-connected world … the list of challenges grows faster than our ability to confront them. Perhaps the liberal toolset only works at a particular scale. From the ground up, at individual level, the foundational tenets of liberalism still help us position ourselves among those around us, in a harmonious way. But could it be that these tools do not work at a larger, global, political level and we ought to be looking for some sort of post-liberal mechanisms?
Discussion and compromise, a stubbornness in refusing to deal in absolutes and an underlying faith on the potential of human ingenuity are what sets the liberal ideal apart. Liberalism promotes individual contribution to the collective endeavour, as an in-built safeguard against too much state intervention on personal affairs. Legitimacy validated by representation also contributes to a sense of fair play, of equal of opportunities. Individual freedom comes with individual responsibility.
If it aspires to be other than just an illusion, liberalism needs to stop seeing itself as a destination point and rediscover the spirit of struggle, of work-in-progress, inherent to it. It has to recover a tradition of dissent, and appeal to freedom of thought and expression, not only from the state, but also from corporations that monopolize media and public opinion, education, culture … If its principles are to be in any way relevant in the twenty-first century, liberalism has to show that it has the capacity to work within ideological formats other capitalism (as capitalism without liberalism has done in China).
Warts and all, I think I will remain a staunch liberal for a longer while.
Igor Markaida works as a freelance Communications Consultant
Thursday, September 20, 2012
I am liberal - Anonymous
'Liberal', for me, means respect for one's neighbours, belief in the rule of law and a profound willingness to protect the rights of my brothers.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Bishop Gregory Cameron - 'I am (a) liberal'
value and meaning in the world has puzzled humanity for all its existence. Humanity’s answers have been hugely diverse,
bringing healing and hope, violence and harm.
Among these myriad voices, I believe also that God’s Spirit speaks to
the world and to humanity, encouraging us to find the reality and meaning which
he writes into creation. Two approaches
stand out – a dogmatic approach, which wraps itself in a mantle of knowing the
truth and coercing or cajoling others into it, and an approach which is forever
open to the wisdom and experience of others.
The first is ultimately sterile.
It inhibits authenticity and exploration and tentativeness and
integrity, and becomes a play about power.
The second is about hospitality and generosity, about discovering the
echo of the Spirit’s whisperings in unexpected places, about affirmation and
growth. The growth into such wisdom begins
with a liberality of soul; this is why I am “liberal”.
K Cameron, Bishop of St Asaph, Trustee of Gladstone’s Library
Monday, September 17, 2012
Nathan North - 'I am (a confused) liberal'
Gladstone even be regarded as a liberal today? He certainly became more liberal
the older he got (his views moving in the opposite direction to how most
people's change), but I think a lot of his views would put him in UKIP today or
at least on the right of the Conservative Party. Perhaps it is unfair to take
him out of his historical context and judge him by contemporary standards; but
if he was a liberal, then he seems like a very conservative one - as opposed to
a radical liberal, such as John Stuart Mill.
Nathan North studied Philosophy at London University and is currently a journalist in Poland.
'I am liberal' - Sophie Jessop
I am liberal as I am open-minded to change; change in the
community as well as change within myself.
Miss Sophie Jessup, Caerphilly, Wales.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
'I am liberal' - Chloe Bramwell
I think liberalism transcends party
politics: it means celebrating diversity and offering opportunities to all.
Chloe Bramwell was born in 1995 and enjoys indulging in liberation.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
'I am liberal' - Kaye
I think
that all people are fundamentally equal and should be free to express their
opinions. For me, being liberal is more closely related to equality than to
Kaye from Birmingham
Monday, September 10, 2012
Want to take part?
Then do! There's plenty of thought-provoking stuff already on the blog, and we'd love new contributors to offer new perspectives or engage with previous posts.
You can take part in any way you like: a written entry of between 5-500 words, pictures, links...You don't have to be 'a' Liberal, or a Liberal Democrat, or even politically inclined, to take part - 'liberal' will mean whatever the public say it means!
The blog will run and run, but all entries submitted before September 30th will be put forward for consideration in the Why I am (or am not) liberal book, due out later this year. Don't miss your chance to be published!
You can take part in any way you like: a written entry of between 5-500 words, pictures, links...You don't have to be 'a' Liberal, or a Liberal Democrat, or even politically inclined, to take part - 'liberal' will mean whatever the public say it means!
The blog will run and run, but all entries submitted before September 30th will be put forward for consideration in the Why I am (or am not) liberal book, due out later this year. Don't miss your chance to be published!
'I am liberal' - Eryl Thomas
‘liberal’ means being tolerant, open-minded, egalitarian, compassionate: and
Eryl Thomas is a North Wales solicitor with sadly few liberal qualities.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
'I am liberal' - William Goddard
Freedom to think, tolerance, constant curiosity: all liberal, and all important elements of learning and development.
William Goddard - retired academic; Vice-President, Learning Teacher Network; Trustee of Southern Educational Leadership Trust; active regional RSA Fellow.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
I am not liberal - Anonymous
I think that I have been made and/or influenced to think I should be liberal. I can think freely, but not express freely, for fear of being non-PC.
I am (and am not) liberal - Anonymous
I am not liberal in the sense of 'anything goes', but I do believe in liberty, justice, the essential human rights for all. All political parties should be liberal!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
'I am liberal' - Jasmine Hide
I think that really, everything
should be nice in the sense of liberal being free(ish) and that people should
feel OK to express themselves provided they aren’t hurting anyone.
Jasmine Hide is happy to have been selected and hopes that people understand what she's trying to say.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
'I am liberal' - David Peter
Liberalism defines the values and ideas of a civilised society.
David Peter is a former Liberal Democrat and one-time Powys County Councillor, now retired and studying with the Open University for fun!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
'I am liberal' - Mollie Lord
I am a liberal - we should be free to be the individual that we were born to be - AS LONG AS NO-ONE GETS HURT.
Mollie Lord is a therapist, who also reads philosophy at the Open University.
Monday, August 20, 2012
'I am NOT liberal' - John Goddard
is unbearable and has no place in society...
John Goddard, Baptist Minister
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
'I am liberal' - Sarah Kettley
Process comes before abstract concepts - material before form; outcomes need to be grounded in the rich, contingent lives of people, not forced upon them.
Sarah Kettley, research in craft and design
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
'I am (NOT) liberal' - Tony Barrett
I think that with regard to:
SMALL THINGS (kids playing loud music on buses): I am not liberal
MEDIUM THINGS (right to abortion): I am liberal
BIG THINGS (destruction of the planet): I am not liberal
SMALL THINGS (kids playing loud music on buses): I am not liberal
MEDIUM THINGS (right to abortion): I am liberal
BIG THINGS (destruction of the planet): I am not liberal
Tony Barrett: Slightly depressed Green campaigner
Monday, August 6, 2012
'I am liberal' - Anonymous
An important aspect of liberalism is acceptance of the diversity within society, plus an acceptance that any civilised society has an obligation to support the less fortunate.
'I am liberal' - Christian Daw
There is an urgent need for all people to understand their inherent dignity. Liberalism affirms the self as sovereign.
Christian Daw is Head of Sixth Form, St. James Senior Boys' School, Ashford.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Want to take part?
Then do! There's plenty of thought-provoking stuff already on the blog, and we'd love new contributors to offer new perspectives or engage with previous posts.
You can take part in any way you like: a written entry of between 5-500 words, pictures, links...You don't have to be 'a' Liberal, or a Liberal Democrat, or even politically inclined, to take part - 'liberal' will mean whatever the public say it means!
The blog will run and run, but all entries submitted before September 30th will be put forward for consideration in the Why I am (or am not) liberal book, due out later this year. Don't miss your chance to be published!
You can take part in any way you like: a written entry of between 5-500 words, pictures, links...You don't have to be 'a' Liberal, or a Liberal Democrat, or even politically inclined, to take part - 'liberal' will mean whatever the public say it means!
The blog will run and run, but all entries submitted before September 30th will be put forward for consideration in the Why I am (or am not) liberal book, due out later this year. Don't miss your chance to be published!
'I am liberal' - Catherine Kennedy
I think that I am female and gay and deserve as much respect as anyone else...except the bankers. Screw them.
Catherine Kennedy is 23, overeducated and employed as a library assistant in Hampshire.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
I am (and am not) liberal - Anonymous
All individuals should be able to make their own choices in life. Law and order, of course, need to be maintained in order to have peace on our crowded, multi-cultural society. However, cases should be individually assessed; the law is not a black-and-white answer.
'I am liberal' - Simon Mundy
true liberal believes in the supremacy of the individual, and the requirement
of governments and corporations to respect and require fairness: we are all
each other’s servants.
Mundy is a writer, cultural policy adviser and advocate for the arts. He has
written over 20 books, directed festivals in several countries and broadcast
for more than 35 years.
Monday, July 30, 2012
I am liberal - Anonymous Voter at Gladstone's Library
I think and believe in freedom of speech – and not
confining oneself to dogma and doctrine.
Monday, July 16, 2012
David Hannay - Why I am (a) liberal
These comments stem from my experience as a Scottish
Liberal candidate three times in the1970s, when Galloway changed from Tory to
SNP; and again as an SLD candidate for the first Holyrood elections, when I was
second on the Regional list and also constituency candidate for Carrick,
Cumnock and Doon Valley. I never lost a deposit and always increased the vote.
During those elections I stood for three things: Home
rule within a Federal UK; Electoral Reform; and Industrial partnership. These
are still very relevant, but are not always given prominence today. The
following are comments on the current importance of these three policies.
Home rule: within the UK.
Federalism requires changes to Westminster and the House of Lords, with
a written constitution for the whole of the UK.
This is unlikely to happen before the independence referendum. The best option is therefore “Devo plus”, and
it is important that this is clearly defined by the anti-independence parties
(not unionist because there is no longer a union of parliaments). Essentially
taxes should be raised as far as possible where they are spent, and this goes
for local authorities as well. At the moment the situation is completely
unbalanced with the Barnet Formula and Rate Support Grants. The crucial thing
is for external affairs and defence to remain on a UK basis. It is important that this third option is in
the referendum, because it would be supported by the majority in Scotland. To
have only a “yes/no” for independence is a huge gamble, insulting to the
voters, and risks us all sleepwalking into partition.
Electoral Reform: STV is the best system but
after the AV defeat, further progress is unlikely for some time. However, there
are now four different electoral systems in Scotland, and it is small wonder
that voter turnout is low. There is a case for compulsory voting.
Industrial partnership: Capital in
firms being owned by employees is not unusual in places like Germany, and
happens here eg:- the John Lewis Partnership. The idea that customers and/or
employees should be shareholders is not new, for instance the cooperative
movement. It is relevant to Scottish Water which should be mutualised rather
than privatised.
There are other important themes such as citizenship
and the importance of early years and parenting. Also localism or subsidiarity is important
with taxes being raised as far as possible where they are spent. There is a
need to simplify the tax and benefit system for individuals by combining
personal taxation with benefits so that a negative income tax could result in a
living wage.
There are also two contemporary issues which pose particular
problems for Liberals.
The first is population growth, both globally
and nationally. This is the most important issue in so many areas such as
global warming, sustainability, unemployment, immigration, but it is not
politically correct to mention it, especially amongst Liberals.
The second is China with its aggressive
industrial and financial power, coupled with an appalling human rights record.
Being a liberal means putting the wellbeing of
individuals first before ideologies and dogma when deciding on policies.
David Hannay is a retired GP who stood for election in Galloway three times in the 1970s, as well as for Holyrood in the first elections for the Scottish Parliament.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Linda Isiorho - Why I am (a) liberal
I am a liberal because Jesus said what you bind on earth
will be bound in heaven which I take to mean that if I can accept and endorse a
person or an action then it can be sanctified. For me, liberality is a
foretaste of the full experience of the richness of grace that we will enjoy in
heaven. And anyway, it is so much more interesting to say yes than to say no!
Linda Isiorho is: amongst the first women to be priested into the C of E; retired teacher; on Diocesan Board of Education; on Cathedral Education Board; volunteer chaplain to local fire station; running a Boys’ Brigade branch; avid reader; equality campaigner; research volunteer for Asthma UK; small time poet; Naked Angel – the wine cooperative.
Monday, June 25, 2012
I am (a) Liberal (mostly) - Henry Dodds, BSc Pure & Applied Physics
Science needs both more liberalisation, and
protection from liberal interpretation.
Scientists live in a world of truths backed by
data, carefully scrutinised by a knowledgeable peer group through the pages of
scientific journals. Yet it is the process of peer review that is the source of
Firstly, the cost of simply subscribing to
scientific journals, controlled by a publishing industry desperate to hang on
to revenues, means that it's expensive for scientists to get exposed to the
full flow of scientific thought in their chosen domain. In April 2012 Harvard
University in the US encouraged its faculty members to submit papers to
open-access journals; unsurprising when you learn that the university's
subscription costs were running at $3.5m a year.
Secondly, and more worryingly, is the danger of
groupthink, where the peer group ridicules any idea offered that deviates too
far from the mean. The chances of anything too radical seeing the light of day
is slim, not least because referees are likely to withhold support for anything
seen as too outrageous. But how can science make great strides when shackled
like this?
A wider problem facing science is an excess of
liberalism by the media and pressure groups in misinterpreting scientific data,
or skewing it to support a particular agenda. The tragedy of the debate about
climate change is that the public understanding of this vital issue has been
muddied and confused by sloppy and biased reporting that would never be
tolerated on a non-scientific subject.
Science is too important to be left to the
scientists, yet too precious to be left in the hands of non-scientists. Work
that one out, liberals!
Henry 's email
Monday, June 18, 2012
Re:defining liberalism returns from our roadtrip...
The recent lull in posts has been caused by our visit to the Hay festival. Not only did we have a great time, but hundreds of you filled in our 'liberalism' voting cards (see above). Voters could tick the box and had the option of giving a short reason for their choice on the back of the card. We'll be blogging many of these responses in the coming weeks.
Don't forget, re:defining liberalism needs YOU! Perhaps you filled in one of our cards and would like to give an expanded viewpoint; perhaps you couldn't make it to Hay but would love to give your reasons via email. We'd very much like to hear from you. Email your thoughts to, or post them to us at the address on our website:
Don't forget, re:defining liberalism needs YOU! Perhaps you filled in one of our cards and would like to give an expanded viewpoint; perhaps you couldn't make it to Hay but would love to give your reasons via email. We'd very much like to hear from you. Email your thoughts to, or post them to us at the address on our website:
Thursday, May 24, 2012
'Why I am (probably) not liberal' - Peter Kellner, Journalist, Political Commentator and Founder of YouGov
As Professor
Joad used to say on the Brains Trust,
(a popular, if somewhat patronising, discussion programme on BBC radio in the
1940’s), it all depends on what you mean by “liberal”. Here are three different
ways in which the word has been defined in recent times:
supporters of the free-market right, to mean maximum economic freedom for
businesses and individuals, with the minimum of state spending, intervention
and regulation
civil and human rights activists and social libertarians, to mean the maximum
possible personal freedom, especially in regard to sexuality, abortion, drugs,
religion, free speech and the rights of defendants
Americans – by the Right as a term of abuse, by progressives as a badge of
pride – to mean federal laws and spending to build a more equal society, and to
defend the rights and advance the interests of less well-off Americans
I am
definitely a liberal in terms of definition 3, and mainly one in terms of
definition 2. I am not a liberal in terms of definition 1. So why do I say
that, all in all, I am probably not a liberal?
For a
start, I dislike labels whose meaning is either unclear or ambiguous. And in
the contest to define “liberal” my sympathies are with the European mainland
concept of a philosophy that puts personal autonomy ahead of collective
decisions. To me, a thorough-going liberal is someone who wants the state to
keep out of both private morality and business decisions.
On that
definition, few people are true, 100 per cent Liberals – some libertarians,
perhaps, but not many others. Quite a few people are economically liberal and
socially conservative (the new Right in Europe and the US); lined against them
are those who are economically interventionist and socially liberal (most of
Britain’s left, including the Greens).
I belong
broadly to the second group – except that I am queasy about taking an absolute
position on the rights of defendants accused of terrorism. It’s not that I want
them to lose their freedom without a proper trial, or to be convicted on the
basis of secret evidence that can’t be tested: we lose the right to call
ourselves civilised if we abandon habeas corpus and punish them too readily.
But I do believe that we must balance the rights of suspects and the rights of
the potential victims of terrorism – that is, all of us, or society as a whole.
And that is
the point, for it has a wider application. Balances must be struck in all kinds
of ways between the liberal rights of individuals and the collective rights of
society. In strict terms, the minimum wage is an illiberal policy, as it
interferes in the freedoms of employers and workers to negotiate pay. So is the
ban on smoking in offices, pubs and restaurants. Speed limits curb our right to
drive as fast as we like, and taxes curb our right to spend what we want. Race Relations Acts and the laws of libel and
contempt restrict our freedom of speech. As I support the minimum wage, smoking
bans, speed limits, generous, tax-funded state provision, and some checks on
what we can say in public, I am reluctant to claim to be a liberal.
Now, there
are many people, including good friends of mine, who share these views and
insist that they are good liberals. Their argument, as I understand it, is that
liberalism has never been a purist doctrine, and that it is perfectly happy
with restrictions on personal liberty where the benefits of collectively agreed
restrictions outweigh the virtues of individual freedom.
The trouble
is that this approach dilutes the definition of liberalism so much that it
embraces virtually everyone except crooks, sociopaths and some recent bankers.
Who, from the Thatcherite Right to Old Labour’s left-wing, would NOT defend
their policies in terms of finding the right balance between personal freedom
and collective rules? They would differ sharply about WHERE to strike that
balance but not about the FACT that a balance is needed.
“liberal” is to be saved from being diluted to death, it must revert to its
proper, indeed noble, concept of a philosophy that values individual liberty
above all else. I want a society in
which there are plenty of such liberals, perpetually questioning arguments for
collective rules and challenging accretions of state (and, indeed, private)
power. They are vital irritants,
ensuring that the proper quest for balance does not tip into
authoritarianism. However, I believe
that many of the biggest problems we face today – from poverty to climate
change – require collective action. So while I want liberals to question
everything the state does, to probe the motives and measures of every government
minister and corporate mogul, and generally kick up a fuss, I don’t actually
want them in charge.
And if I
don’t want them in charge, I can’t really call myself one of them.
Peter Kellner's YouGov blog
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
'Why I am a Liberal' - Alice Westlake, Artist and Supporter of the Womens' Movement
I am a Liberal because I desire earnestly the advancement of the people morally, intellectually, and materially, by the redress of all wrongs that fall upon the weak, and the removal of all obstacles that stand in the way of the true happiness of men.
The essence of Liberalism is to be continually pressing on towards those objects, and its existence is incompatible with a complacent satisfaction in things as they are, or even with a continued toleration of them.
The essence of Liberalism is to be continually pressing on towards those objects, and its existence is incompatible with a complacent satisfaction in things as they are, or even with a continued toleration of them.
From Andrew Reid, Why I am a Liberal (1885)
Monday, May 14, 2012
‘Why I am not liberal’ – Andrew Oldham, Poet and Author
has always been a game of one, one candidate, one self and one ‘ism’ to
represent the masses. I believe ‘isms’ are dangerous, childish and profoundly
the playground of those who are fantasists. They are not radical, they are for
dreamers, they are a catch all, a white wash to what is, and always has been
more complicated situation, what it means to be human. I do not see myself as a
Liberal, I do have Liberal beliefs but then on any given day, in any given
moment of anger, irrationality or love I can say that I have socialist and
conservative ideals. A liberal in a car jam can quickly descend into right wing
thoughts after the second hour of being stuck behind a white van beating out
dance music. Likewise, a Conservative can strike a deal with a radically
opposed viewpoint to gain power as can a Socialist. We are then back to the
politics of the self and the selfish. The problem we have, and has always had,
is that we still believe that politics is black or white, left or right, for or
against and we roll in the ‘isms’ to substantiate a political system that is
flawed. I think we have to stop planning our politics for the short term, for
four year policies, the bust and boom economics and the desire to please all
whilst pleasing no one. Politics can teach us something, that all of us have a
desire to survive in the worst of situations even when grasping at straws or
spin doctors. All of us have to take responsibility to plan for the long term.
To plan not as individuals, not for the self, or for nations (which is flawed,
as geology shows us that there hasn’t always been an England) or as voters
(though so few of us bother as we seek only the self). We all have to embrace
the very thing we have yet to embrace, our humanity. I am not talking about
some wishy-washy, touchy-feely idea but to really begin to understand our
collective strengths and weaknesses, from the ability to pull together against
adversity to our ability to breed too much. Until then we will continue to
pigeon hole ourselves in ‘isms’, call ourselves Liberal, Conservative or
Socialist when we should be humans, more than the sum of our whole parts, more
than the self or the politics of the self. Maybe then we can develop social and
political models that will aid our development not for four years, not for one
hundred years but for millennia to come. If we want to continue to be
intelligent, then we have to think about our long term beliefs and where we are
going to be a thousand or a million years from now as a species. Until then, we
won’t even be able to label ourselves even as human.
Oldham’s poetry has been published in The Times, Transmission and Ambit. His
first poetry collection was Ghosts of a Low Moon (Lapwing, Belfast 2010). A
forthcoming pamphlet, The Anchor will be published by Glass Head Press in 2012.
His poetry has been broadcast on BBC Radio Four's Poetry Please. Andrew's website can be found here.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
'Why I am Liberal' - Cathy Galvin, Journalist
Soon a For Sale board will appear outside the 1930’s house
where I grew up in Coventry. It’s difficult to know how to value a home. To my
father, who died last year, the house was his legacy to my sister and I. Sitting
in the back room after tea once a week, we would watch as he opened a little
red tin and divided his weekly pay-packet from the tractor factory where he
worked in to different compartments: building society, bills, food, clothes,
holiday. Occasionally, when he was on
strike, the little tin lay empty but it triumphed in the end: he clocked in and
out of the factory and the bills were paid. The house is now ours. Almost.
Leave its bay-window behind, walk for fifteen minutes
and you confront the architectural scars of the City Centre - what remains of a
great medieval metropolis shattered when two-thirds of its buildings
disappeared in the blitz, stitched bluntly back together with 1950’s modernist
bravado. It’s difficult to know how to value a city. This blend of old and new
was once thrilling to those who flooded in to work in the booming factories. After the horrors of two world wars, it
represented a dignified post-war settlement. “The principle of Liberalism is
trust in the people, qualified by prudence, “, the great Liberal Prime-Minister
Gladstone offered in 1885. In Coventry, the decent liberal values of hard-work
and egalitarianism finally rose, phoenix-like, from the indecent ashes of war. Almost.
While my Dad was counting his pennies, I’d either be
doing my homework or day-dreaming. It’s difficult to know how to value a
culture. I read the Daily Mirror. I read the New Statesman. I read poetry. I
knew from family history the tyranny of the English oppression of the Irish,
the English oppression of its own working-class. “Get yourself an education, then
you can go and clean toilets”, was the puzzling mantra from my Irish maternal
line. My Mum was, indeed, a cleaner. Her money added a few nicer touches to the
house. My Dad was wary about all this aspiration. Working wasn’t about gaining
materially, it was about buying a life safe from both the authorities and the
vagaries of market forces. He sensed it could all disappear so easily. Yet I believed in an inevitable political and
social progress. We had peace and
democracy. My sister and I would be the first in our family to study at
university. Children, fulfilling work, sexual freedom, economic independence. I
had it all, as would my daughters. Almost.
As the For Sale board goes up, I have to wonder. What
do we own in the end, those of us whose parents were allowed the promise of a
better life while it was convenient to offer it to them? Those whose
grandparents were shovelled in to a mass grave when Coventry was bombed? This
city is worth little now that its industry has gone and the semi-detached
houses even less. My progress allowed me
a place as a senior editor at The Sunday Times for many years but now I am
redundant, I know how fragile that was. I was not entitled.
For Sale boards dot our collective consciousness: we,
who thought we owned the benefits of houses, hospitals, schools and
universities, are invited to sell up before things get even worse but someone
else is benefitting from what we are giving away. My place in the world appeared to come from
the top-down: governments embracing liberal values ensured the likes of us were
given the security of the welfare state, pensions and work. In fact, it came
from the bottom-up: men and women fighting for generations for the right to a
decent wage and the vote.
Liberalism has to be more than a luxury bestowed with
largesse. It is freedom from debt and bondage. It is guaranteed by the people,
not the market or the state. In our little semi, it tasted sweet. Now my children
must buy debt simply to be educated. Is some kind of bondage to a floundering
economic next? Their legacy, should they choose it, is the knowledge that
neither austerity nor progress are inevitable and that everything must be
fought for. As early as 1839, the workers
who published The Chartist Circular in Glasgow stated this: “For a nation to love liberty, it is
sufficient that she knows it; and to be free, it is sufficient that she wills
it. “
Let’s pause for a moment and relish those thoughts,
before we sell anything else.
Cathy Galvin's Twitter
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Why I am (or am not) liberal....
This is the question we want you - whoever you are, whatever your political affiliation, and wherever you're from - to answer. Tell us why and how you are liberal. Tell us why you are not liberal - perhaps there are flaws in liberal values that make you uneasy? It's up to you and we'd love to hear from you.
All submissions will be published on this blog, with a selection being published in a book in late 2012/early 2013. Please send your thoughts to, with either 'Why I am liberal' or 'Why I am not liberal' in the subject line.
All submissions will be published on this blog, with a selection being published in a book in late 2012/early 2013. Please send your thoughts to, with either 'Why I am liberal' or 'Why I am not liberal' in the subject line.
'Why I am liberal' - Nicholas Murray, Biographer and Publisher at Rack Press
It must be,
after the experience of this Coalition government, a small “l” but the word,
often used as a term of disparagement in the United States, is one that still
resonates in Europe where it is almost always a term of praise.
It is the
spirit which animates, in Gladstone’s century, works like John Stuart Mill’s On
Liberty and Matthew Arnold’s Culture and Anarchy and its work is still not done
because its antithesis – authoritarianism, hierarchy, power-worship, is still
very much with us.
It is in
two areas that liberalism matters to me (since I have little interest in
economics): freedom of thought and freedom to live in the way one wishes. The liberal wants to permit, to allow, to
grant freedom, believing that the very concept of toleration is in itself a
social, moral and intellectual good.
Pluralism, toleration, multiplicity, are, by contrast, what the
illiberal mind finds odious. The
authoritarian or the dictator is stirred by visceral feelings of hatred,
resentment, anger at the proliferation of what it cannot control. The illiberal
mind wants there to be only one way: its way.
by contrast, wants to see freedom, diversity, multiplicity, the absence of
unnecessary constraint. It trusts people
to work out their own salvation. The illiberal
mind, often fuelled by religious or sectarian or race hatred is maddened by the
prospect of free minds exercising themselves according to their own principles
and values. The dictator is for this
reason a ridiculous figure, a strutting absurdity who knows nothing beyond the
limits of his or her own mind.
is tolerant. It does not see any virtue
in imposing only one way, in declaring some lifestyles, preferences, beliefs,
practices to be impermissible.
Liberalism, however, is weak – it can be seen to vacillate – when it
merely tolerates and does not engage with what it knows to be wrong. Some beliefs and practices must be challenged
and contested, but not with illiberal weapons of repression. Open debate, vigorous advocacy, dissent, challenge,
dialogue are the tools of liberalism.
Censorship, bullying, suppression, closure of debate, are the tools of
its enemies.
I am a
liberal because I want to live in a free society and live in my own way, in so
far as this is compatible with social responsibility and respect for
others. I am a liberal because I believe
in human freedom, in the fathomless resources and creativity of the human
spirit when it is unconstrained and can follow the laws of its own being. To be free is to be fully human.
Nicholas Murray's blog
Nicholas Murray's website
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
'Defining Liberalism' - Alan Durant, Author and Poet
My main
area of interest in defining liberalism is in the role education – in a wide
sense, not just the curriculum – plays now and in the future. How will we in
the books we write, the lessons we teach and the examples we set encourage and
inspire a new generation of compassionate, independent-minded liberal thinkers
– men like Gladstone, not monsters like Anders Breivik? I first came across
William Gladstone as part of my A level history course, but I was a teenager,
he a Victorian and the teaching uninspiring so then he passed me by. Like him,
however, I have a Christian faith (followed with fluctuating intensity since
adolescence) and my political and ethical views have always been liberal.
I write for
and work with children of all ages – from toddlers to teenagers – often in a
multi-racial context. Schools are a microcosm of society and, at a time when
radicalism of the young is rife, it is essential that the liberal voice should
be heard – particularly in the light of recent events around the country and at
a time when political Liberalism in this country appears to have lost its way.
In a world in which religious conflicts have become more acute and intransigent
and fundamentalist terrorism ubiquitous, traditional liberal values such as
tolerance, empathy and the willingness to listen to the views of others without
prejudice, are of greater importance than ever, but also increasingly at
threat. Young people need to see that liberalism is alive and (vigorously)
Thursday, April 26, 2012
'(Re)defining Liberal Values' - Stella Duffy, Novelist
write this from Brixton, the morning after looters smashed in my local shop
windows. The morning after ‘Gay’s the Word’ was the only shop in its street to
suffer violence. The morning after a weekend of sadness for London. I see young
(mostly) men attacking property in their own neighbourhoods. I see our
politicians on holiday and not coming home to address the problems. I see that
their neighbourhoods are well away from any signs of unrest.
am a white, living-middle-class, raised-working-class, Labour-voting, feminist,
lesbian, woman. And not one of these labels even begins to speak for me.
want change and an equitable society, and I don’t want a violent revolution to
get there. I see no evidence that any revolution anywhere has ever worked.
believe in dialogue and discussion and hope, and I don’t care if that sounds
airy-fairy or hippy, I care that we get on with talking to each other and
making a difference. I do that by being out to a group of 100+ fourteen-year-olds
in Enfield when I taught writing for my niece’s boyfriend’s school. I do that
by working with a local community for a pre-Olympics arts project on the south
London council estate where I was born. I do that by speaking out, sometimes to
my own detriment, always as honestly as possible.
don’t have an academic take on liberal values – I do have heartfelt commitment
to positive change and hope. I believe they are the same thing.
Stella Duffy's blog
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
'Redefining Liberalism' - Gill McEvoy, Poet
As a poet I
know the sustaining and enriching quality of closeness to the natural world. I
try to observe nature as it is, cruel but also awe-inspiring in its
inter-related balance. Everything depends on everything else, as we do. Take
away a plant, you take away an insect, take away an insect you remove a bird,
etc. Agricultural practice no longer curates our world but exploits it. In my
writing I try, as the poet Charles Tomlinson does, to harvest my observations to
create poems that draw the reader into the grace, delight and reality of the
natural world. Nature is itself, and in its extraordinary and delicate balance
I see the hand of God. For me liberal values towards peace, tolerance and
dignity begin with cherishing and respecting our planet.
We have cut ourselves off from our
spiritual roots by damaging in irreparable ways the very earth on which our
lives depend. Without a spiritual sense we cannot live in the ‘peace and
dignity’ that Gladstone advocated in his 1850 speech on the Don Pacifico
affair. Without spiritual depth it is hard for us to be tolerant, to respect
the rights of others to be who they are, to live in peace and dignity. In the
Big Brother world we now inhabit where phones, computers can be hacked, Google
has its satellite eye on us, surveillance cameras are everywhere, it is not
surprising that material preoccupations, the least sustaining aspects of life,
have taken the place of spiritual reflection.
Poetry Workshops with Poem Catchers
Gill's blog
'Why I am (or am not) liberal...'
This is the question that we want you - whoever you are, whatever your political affiliation, and wherever you're from - to answer. Tell us why and how you are liberal. Tell us why you are not liberal. It's up to you and we'd love to hear from you.
All submissions will be published on this blog. Please send your thoughts to, with either 'Why I am liberal' or 'Why I am not liberal' in the subject line.
All submissions will be published on this blog. Please send your thoughts to, with either 'Why I am liberal' or 'Why I am not liberal' in the subject line.
Monday, April 23, 2012
'Redefining Liberal Values' - Ian Parks, Poet and Writing Fellow at De Montfort University, Leicester
As a poet,
I see myself as embracing liberal values in the broadest sense. I believe that
poetry is, in itself, a form of liberal expression, in that it can articulate
ideas of freedom, social equality, respect for diversity, and a celebration of
the human spirit, in a language that has the potential to be non-political in
the narrowest sense. My poems have appeared regularly in The Liberal magazine along with articles dealing with contemporary
issues and I feel very strongly that poetry has a social function to perform at
the beginning of the twenty-first century. At a time when the language of
liberalism is being appropriated by both the marketplace and the political
elite, poetry has the qualities that can help restore that language to its
proper place, encouraging as it does receptiveness and open-mindedness on the
part of the reader. I also feel that poetry appeals with the best in the human
spirit. An admirer of the poetry of W. H. Auden, I would, however, strongly
disagree with his conclusion that ‘poetry makes nothing happen’. Poetry, I
think, has the potential to work powerfully in the political sphere although
its trajectory might not be easy to trace. I feel that poetry has a part to
play in an ongoing debate about what it means to be human, to participate in a
free and open society, to appeal to the generosity of spirit which is so firmly
rooted in the Liberal Tradition. It has a part to play also, I believe, in the
redefining of liberal values.
'On being a Liberal Writer' - Naomi Alderman, Novelist
What does it mean to be a liberal? There's something about
generosity, I think, in the word itself. "Liberal with her praise."
"Sprinkle olive oil on liberally." "A liberal application of
money." Something about giving more than is strictly required and doing it
gladly. That seems to me, when I ask myself, to be what I think of when I call
myself a 'liberal'. I believe in being open, not closed. In looking, therefore,
forward not back, because a generous attitude is also one which thinks that
things certainly could be better in the future, that we will not find the best
things only by conserving our meagre stock of ideas and achievements, but by
passing them around in the expectation that others will do the same.
And there's something too about being liberal with one's
definition of humanity. I have believed for a long time in the expanding
"circle of us". When Gladstone was born, his father made money from
the slave-trade, and the circle of "real human beings" extended no
further than adult Christian white men with property. Slowly we've moved that
circle outward, expanding it liberally. Not just men with property, but all
men. Not just white men but black men. Not just men but women. Not just
Christians but also all faiths and none. Not just able-bodied, but also those
who are disabled. Not just straight but also gay. Not just cis-gendered but
also transgendered. That is what it means to be liberal. To open up the doors
of power and influence. To make sure that we invite people in, because we know
that our humanity is damaged when we start seeing other people as
It makes us weaker than the forces on the other side, of
course. If you are a fundamentalist, if you're prepared to threaten people with
exclusion from the circle if they don't toe the line, you'll get more loyal
troops. But we're still right, and they're still wrong. I hope that the
expansion of that circle is irreversible. Once you see someone as a person,
maybe you can't go back to seeing them as half-a-person.
A friend of mine suggested to me recently that in 200 years
time the "adult" part of the circle will be expanded. That children
will have the same rights of property, self-determination and voting as adults.
"Impossible," I thought, "absurd. How would they... they
couldn't even..." But the thought is delicious; that we have further yet
to go, that we will find greater and broader definitions of "full
people" than seems imaginable to us today. That is what being a liberal is
too: being willing to change your mind. Being delighted by the idea that you
might be proved wrong.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Conservative MP Louise Mensch, interviewed in The Guardian (2011)
As part of the selection process she was asked to write an essay entitled: Why Are You A Conservative? Her first sentence was: "Because conservatism delivers liberal ends."
Decca Aitkenhead, 'Louise Mensch: 'We're not all ogres', The Guardian, 30 September 2011
Decca Aitkenhead, 'Louise Mensch: 'We're not all ogres', The Guardian, 30 September 2011
'Redefining Liberalism' - Kate Charles, Novelist
vile person shall no more be called liberal, nor the churl said to be
the vile person will speak villainy, and his heart will work iniquity, to
practise hypocrisy, and to utter error against the Lord, to make empty the soul
of the hungry, and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.
instruments also of the churl are evil: he deviseth wicked devices to destroy
the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaketh right.
the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand.
Isaiah 32.5-l.8
I took part in a public read-through of the entire King James Bible, and
declaimed this passage from Isaiah. I’d been mulling over what I might say in
this statement, so it struck me quite forcefully.
fiction writing is very much in the context of the Church of England, sitting
squarely in the middle of the liberal tradition. I’m almost afraid to admit
this in the current climate of extremism and dogmatic certainty within the
Church. So much of what is happening today – insistence on an Anglican
Covenant, defections to the Ordinariate, witch-hunts against those who are
‘different’ – goes against what I stand for, and continue to believe. Perhaps
it is time to re-define liberal values in terms of the historic Church of
England, before the word became a pejorative inevitably prefaced by
‘woolly-minded’. Liberalism should be something to be proud of, not to demean.
Kate Charle's website
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
(Re)defining Liberal Values: Sue Vickerman, Poet
I cannot
redefine liberal values. By the year 2011 there is so much truth to be had – at
the flick of an ‘on’ button, the click of a mouse – that it is over-facing.
Engagement with social, moral and spiritual questions has perhaps never been
more tricky, because there is no starting point. Or rather, there are many
adoptable starting points, but which has credibility? Global credibility? Is the interaction between theology and
politics the rarified subject-matter of a special-interest group? A hobby group? Is it a side-alley?
Without a
starting point – a fixed frame of reference, the quest for truth (for meaning,
for values) is an almost impossible journey, with arbitrary, shifting
footholds. We are standing on the globe itself. How wobbly is that? Trying to
stand on a sphere. A turning one. Unanchored, we have to somehow define a
context – our own context at least – before we can even start to think about
how to behave, and what is good. And we need to accept that in other contexts,
our moral definitions may not apply.
I am a
Quaker attender of Methodist heritage who will claim to have divested myself of
all the baggage of my religious upbringing until someone tries to sell me a
lottery ticket. This activity I will reject, as though it were inherent in my
very genetic make-up to do so, until the end of my days. There are things I was
taught. If I had a child, I would be teaching her too. And the teachings would
come from somewhere...
NOTE: For a 21st
century liberal woman’s discussion of art, poetry, life, love and living alone,
see Suki’s blog on
Monday, April 16, 2012
Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery (Prime Minister from 1894-95)
David Cameron, quoted in Jesse Norman's 'The Big Society' (2010)
You can call it liberalism. You can call it empowerment. You can call it freedom. You can call it responsibility. I call it the Big Society.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Re:defining Liberal Values - Greg Miller - Poet and Janice Trimble Professor of English at Millsaps College, Mississppi.
do I understand ‘(re)defining liberal values’? An education in the liberal arts
is an education in how to live life as a free person, and liberal values are
central to the liberal arts: openness and inquisitiveness distrustful of cant
and received opinion, not merely a toleration but also a hunger for
perspectives different from one’s own, and vigorous support of a civic order
that encourages conversation open to discovery and transformation. For John
Milton, the very act of deferring blindly to authority – whether that authority
be a church, the state, a tradition, a party, a text, or any human ‘assembly’
including schools or universities – can make one what he called a ‘heretick in
the truth.’ We have to exercise our minds and spirits just as we must exercise
our bodies if we are to be strong, vigorous and free. In our historical moment,
to redefine liberal values requires attentiveness to the realities and
complexities of national and world economic disparities; educational
opportunities – across class, gender, and race – can be instrumental in
transforming political, economic and personal realities and possibilities, but
education alone cannot make us free. Insecurities, particularly following the
attacks of 9/11 on New York and Washington, D.C., have fueled the irrational
behavior of individuals and nations. Traditional civil liberties are at risk in
many historic democracies. Central to redefining liberal values is a study of
how best to promote peace between peoples and nations, defending, through
international law, minorities and vulnerable peoples – groups and individuals –
throughout the world.
5th July, 2011
5th July, 2011
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
As we begin our two-year project, a word from our founder...
Scan of W.E. Gladstone's original words |
'The Principle of Liberalism is trust in the people, qualified by Prudence; the Principle of Conservatism is mistrust of the people, qualified by Fear'
W.E. Gladstone, 'Why I am a Liberal' in Andrew Reid (ed.), Why I am a Liberal (Cassell & Company, 1885), p. 13
Thursday, March 1, 2012
why I am (or am not) liberal . . .
We at Gladstone ’s Library are re-working Andrew Reid’s classic Victorian publication, Why I am a Liberal (1885), a publication that asked a selection of the great and the good exactly that question for the benefit of the reading public.
Reid’s contributors included poets and writers (such as Robert Browning and Edmund Gosse), MPs and Prime Ministers (Joseph Chamberlain and W. E. Gladstone), journalists (George R. Sims), historians (Professor E. E. Beesly), travel writers (Lady Brassey), clergy (Rev. Newman Hall and John Clifford), political thinkers (Thomas Hare), secularists (George Jacob Holyoake), suffragettes (the artist Alice Westlake, as well as her husband John Westlake Q.C.) and what we would now recognise as human rights campaigners (Millicent Garrett Fawcett and Henry Ward Beecher). Fifty-five contributors – in Reid’s words, ‘the best minds of the Liberal Party’ – all told their readers why they were a Liberal.
While we want to follow Reid’s selection of contributors, and we think his question deserves a contemporary audience, we also want to strip the question of its capital L. ‘Liberal’ no longer means ‘a member of the Liberal Party’. As such, it seems more appropriate that we seek responses regarding Why I am (or am not) liberal. We think the small ‘l’ and the space for dissenting voices makes all the difference.
In order to answer this question, we are writing to leading British thinkers and writers to ask them to contribute between 5-500 words on this very question. Why are you liberal? Why are you not liberal?
We will also be asking the general public to contribute. This year’s Hay-on-Wye festival will see us distributing postcards asking the public to tell us why they are (or are not) liberal. It will also be a six month exploration at
Contributions will be published in an online format and are likely to be collected for publication in book form. If you’d like to be part of our project, we ask that you confirm in writing to Louisa Yates ( by 1st June 2012. Please indicate which question you would like to answer: ‘Why I am liberal’ or ‘Why I am not liberal’.
Contributions should be submitted by 1st November 2012. Your contribution should be between 5-500 words and can be in whatever form you like: prose, poem, crossword puzzle...
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